Mölnlycke TX Grey

Mölnlycke TX Grey

Verð 7.900 kr
  • Frítt á pósthús/póstbox/Dropp afhendingarstað ef verslað er fyrir yfir 15.000kr
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með VSK Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli

A textile ballerina. Mölnlycke has a natural place in the shoe closet this summer!

Mölnlycke TX is:

  • made in Kavats Conscious Cotton, which is a GOTS-certified cotton fabric
  • guaranteed free of fluorocarbons
  • chrome free
  • easy to take on/off thanks to the practical hook and loop fastening
  • shock absorbing with a microfibre insole
  • lightweight and flexible
  • grip friendly with an outsole made of natural rubber
  • machine washable at 30˚


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