Ilmkerti - Grapefruit

Ilmkerti - Grapefruit

Ilmkerti - Grapefruit

Verð 4.290 kr
  • Frítt á pósthús/póstbox/Dropp afhendingarstað ef verslað er fyrir yfir 15.000kr
  • Umhverfisvænar og vandaðar vörur
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með VSK Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli
  • Ferskur sítrusilmur
  • Endurunnið gler
  • 100% náttúrulegt plöntuvax

Grapefruit 40hr Pot Candle is presented in an attractive recycled glass pot. A fresh and citrusy scent.

In an attractive ivory colour. Made from pure essential oils and 100% Natural Plant Wax (wax comes from a natural sustainable plant source). Our candles contain no petroleum based paraffin wax and animal products. Reuse the glass pot for tea-lights or trinkets. To recycle the pot, place in your normal clear glass recycle bin.

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