


Verð 3.990 kr
  • Frítt á pósthús/póstbox/Dropp afhendingarstað ef verslað er fyrir yfir 15.000kr
  • Umhverfisvænar og vandaðar vörur
  • Á lager
  • Vara á leiðinni
með VSK Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli

The strong outer bristles remove any dirt from the back of a book while the underlying goat hair collects dust.

  • Oiled pearwood
  • Goat hair/bristle
  • Size: 27 cm
This special brush is made of oiled pearwood, goat hair and bristles. Please clean this brush if necessary with a mild detergent solution and let it dry hanging.

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