Bambaw - Raksápa án ilms

Bambaw - Raksápa án ilms

Verð 1.390 kr
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með VSK Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli

Raksápan frá Bambaw fer einstaklega vel með húðina og náttúruna. Freyðir einstaklega vel sem auðveldar raksturinn og gefur aukinn raka svo húðin verður mýkri og minni hætta á ertingu eftir rakstur.

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Það er auðvelt og þægilegt að nota raksápustykki og er það töluvert umhverfisvænna en klassískar raksápur þar sem það endist einstaklega lengi og kemur í minni og umhverfisvænni umbúðum. 



This fragrance free shaving soap has calming properties. It is particularly suited for sensitive skin types. It is ideal for those who are most sensitive to fragrance and prone to irritations or allergies, or simply prefer an odourless soap.

Organic white clay

White clay, also known as kaolin or French white clay, is a mineral rich in silica widely used for its numerous beneficial properties. It is known for being extremely soft and repairing. It is used to cleanse and purify delicate skin. Therefore, white clay is perfectly suited for sensitive skin types that encounter dryness or dehydration.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera benefits are numerous: its soothing, hydrating and regenerating properties improve the quality of all skin types, especially the dry and sensitive ones. Aloe vera is an ally in the shaving routine as it helps soothe irritation, razor burns and itchiness.

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