Ilmolíublanda Revive - Aromatherapy

Ilmolíublanda Revive - Aromatherapy

Ilmolíublanda Revive - Aromatherapy

Verð 1.790 kr
  • Frítt á pósthús/póstbox/Dropp afhendingarstað ef verslað er fyrir yfir 15.000kr
  • Umhverfisvænar og vandaðar vörur
  • Lagerstaða - 2 stk til á lager
  • Vara á leiðinni
með VSK Sendingarkostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli

Raise the spirits with this blend of warming Clove and Cardamon combined with refreshing Lime, Peppermint and Grapefruit - all working to boost confidence and encourage positive thoughts. Uplifting & Stimulating, it also helps you to combat tiredness and nervous exhaustion.

10ml for use in diffusers or burners.

How to use:  Add a few drops to your traditional burner or electronic fragrancer.

Essential Oils of Clove, Cardamon, Lime, Peppermint and Grapefruit.

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